How I despise rap
Rap in today's world

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Rap today

Take a look around, how many people have you seen walking around dressed in clothes three times their size? Wearing the "bling blings" and the phat farm, ecko, fubu, etc etc etc.
Number one: A fact - Rap is purely and souly media based. Take into account the many rock bands that have worked their ASSES off climbing their way top of the musical ladder, just to find that some idiot rapper makes it higher than him in a matter of days by writing one catchy rap song. This is bullshit. A rapper will have one succesful "song" to start with, and the same goddamn song will be played over and over and over again on such fucking stupid tv channels as MTV and MUCH. This same shitty clip will be number one for weeks, even months! because the stupid fans keep mindlessly voting for it. Then comes another debuting rapper making his first rap song, and now you'll see that one hundreds of fucking times per day. Every rapper has a few succesful songs, that will run on tv, for weeks without end. Thats what makes rap so popular. The media. The media promotes this shit, just too boost the amount of viewers. Rap is shit, and if you have not realized that by now, you are an idiot, pure and simple.
Number two: Another fact- How long does the rapper stay "popular"? Have you ever taken this into account? Take for example rock and metal and such. Metallica has been around for over 30 years! Whats the longest a rapper's been around? 5 years? Or maybe less? Remember about 4 years ago, when eminem was the biggest rapper alive? What happened now huh? I recently saw the video "my band" and i almost vomited. I said to myself, what the fuck is this shit? Seriously, dressed as mexicans and spouting stupid sounds and stuff. Is that what he thought was going to be his big comeback? Well your wrong mr. I lasted 5 years on the rap scene. Rap doesn't last, its a trend, just like clothing, and it is purely media based! Eminem was the biggest white rapper, im sure that caused some controvery, blacks hating him because he took their monkey music and made himself the biggest rap icon. People will never change.