How I despise rap
Rap itself

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Merriam-Webster Definition for "music"

1. The science or art of ordering tones or sounds in succession, in combination, and in temporal relationships to produce a composition having unity and continuity
2. Vocal and instrumental sounds having rhythm, melody, or harmony

So, with this can you still define rap as music? I think not. Lets debate on what rap is. First of all, it is just a bunch of highly distorted bass/drum lines looped over and over and over again. Multiply a three second beat by one hundred times and there you go, a rap song, not taking into account the foul lyrics that are added. I don't understand how one can call these slanderous..uneducated words "lyrics". Personally, spouting dumb ass catch phrases and ramping on about "bitches, hos, money, yo crib, and cars" is pure shit. No talent is required in order to produce a rap song, and all you little slow-witted wiggers out there saying, "It's got more talent than anything yo.", you are a fucking ignorant piece of shit, do you realize that? The Ill-fated lyrics that accompany this senseless crap is deplorable, or in idiot-wigger terms, RAP SUCKS, BITCH! Oh and something else ive herd, "I like a phat beat" Yes, that is the dumbest thing i have ever herd, a "phat" beat. How can one compare a "phat" beat to a highly complex guitar riff? Or any other musical instrument. Rap does NOT use real instruments, synthesizers and lots of bass is what it is, it's as simple as that. Musical harmony? Yeah right, just listening to five seconds of this shit gives me a headache, and as for the vocals? Rappers don't sing, they just talk over and over, about stupid, idiotic things that they call lyrics. Here's an oxymoron for you- RAP MUSIC.