Simple, as i mentioned eariler, it is not music. I would pay to see a rapper pick up a musical
intrument of some kind and play something decent with it. Odds are they've never touched a musical instrument. What else sucks
about rap? Well first of all- Everything. More in depth would be the absolutly horrible crap they call a
lyric. Who the fuck cares what life is like in the ghetto? What kind of decent person would want to listen about a stupid
person talking about his life, his money, his bitches, his weed, his crib, his bling bling, the west coast, and please, help
me on this one. What the fuck does the west coast and the east coast have to do with anything? These fucking idiots just don't
know where to stop. And them spouting about their niggers and niggers and niggers, and how the white man keeps the "Brutha
man" down. It's fucking ridiculous. They refer to themselves as niggers, and when you call a black guy that,
you are considered racist? How many times have i called a black guy a nigger and herd some stupid slut going "OOOH MY GOD,
LIKE YOU ARE SOOO RACIST!" Wake up bitch, racism hmmm, lets talk about that for a minute. Calling a black guy a nigger and
a hispanic man a spic does not meen your racist! Rascim is the classification of races in groups. So bitch,
if you classify an afro american as a black guy, CONGRAGU-FUCKIN-LATIONS - your racist! This therefor amplifies the ignorance
and futility of the human race. No wonder rappers are hated so much, uneducated pricks.